Thursday, December 20, 2012

It Begins...

Well, its that time of year again, Santa's out in full force with his ho's, the reindeer are so sloshed their noses glow red, the elves are using extra fairy dust to get all the toys ready (this is in no way an allegory for child slaves and methamphetamine) and the good folks over at Steam have begun their Christmas salegasm.

Its been a year since the last one (obviously) and I am still feeling the pain from all the moneys I spent on bundles and DLC's and yes, even individual games.

With many of your favourite franchises releasing new DLC and sequels this year its the perfect opportunity to pick up the games you most wish you'd been able to afford during the year. Most notably in my opinion is Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition which is on "flash sale" for the low low price of just $7.49 discounted by 75%.

I got the Valve bundle last year and if I remember correctly it was the same price as this years but with 1 noticeable change, DOTA 2 is now a part of the list. From this one pack alone I have had countless hours (I'm sure I could add up steams totals) of fun. Between co-op games of Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead or just letting loose in Team Fortress 2 on-line there's one hell of a lot of fun to be had in this bundle.

Steam aren't the only ones with some amazing offers for Christmas though. For my indie titles I prefer to go straight to the Humble Bundle sales to pick them up for a fraction of their original cost (not because I don't feel they are worth more but because I am financially destitute) and just yesterday they began the Humble Indie Bundle 7. With the critically acclaimed Dungeon Defenders (including DLC) available when you contribute over the average donation. Indie Game: The Movie is also included in the bundle and while not strictly a game is looking like a great insight into how indie games get made.

And finally, in honour of this most auspicious occasion I am unveiling the brand new, fully featured Donate button, care of my good friends at PayPal. And while the funds raised from the donate button may be non-refundable and while they may not be spent entirely on games (though I will make every effort to spend as much as I can on games) it will certainly help me stay alive to play them. So without further adieu I bring you "Help the G" a button designed specifically for your viewing pleasure and for my income convenience.

*is so hungry, so very very hungry*

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